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More Ways to Use Your Construction Drone Team

More Ways to Use Your Construction Drone Team

Construction projects can be complicated and resource-intensive. The main reasons for buying into new technology is to make your work life easier or more efficient, so why not let your tech work for multiple purposes? Construction drones are one of the newest tools contractors are using; they’re finding multiple ways to save money and time while adding value to their projects. Are you using your drone team to its fullest advantage?

Showing Clients Work Progress

You may have clients who can’t get to the job site or who prefer to stay away but still want updates. Static pictures from the ground only show so much, making it difficult to share your progress on multi-story buildings or large compounds. Keep your clients happier by showing them new construction videos on a regular basis, seen from multiple angles and altitudes.


Skip the expensive surveying tools and heavy machinery and use your drones to survey your job site and build maps. Even when using a professional surveyor, the job will be simpler and easier to fit into your schedule. You’ll save money, use only about half the time and end up with a final product mapped with greater accuracy.

Inspecting Large Structures

Keeping up with the work on a large structure typically takes a lot of people running complex software and relying on multiple readings. With your drone team, you can get a close-up look at any sector to see how your designs are working out, how solid your construction is or where problems might occur.

Using a drone allows you to check out multiple levels without ever leaving the ground. This improves your safety and the safety of others on the job, as well.

Monitor Your Job Sites

If you’ve got more than one job site going or you’ve taken on the renovation and rehab for multiple properties, you can waste a lot of money shuttling from one site to another. Instead of spending most of your day in a vehicle, put up a drone to check on work progress, safety standards, rules compliance and a host of other details you monitor. As the old saying goes: trust, but verify.

Improve Your Safety Records

Watching your job sites through the eyes of your drone team will put you in the perfect position to find laborers precariously balancing where they shouldn’t, pillars and other structures that look unstable and teams cutting corners where it’s not safe to do so. Make it known that your drone will always be around and the temptation for workers to take safety shortcuts should diminish.

Keep Projects on Budget and on Track

Keeping a constant eye on how construction projects are progressing is the best way to catch errors before they mushroom out of control.

By monitoring your job sites you’ll be better prepared to step in and control problems while they’re still small and manageable. You’ll have visual evidence to show workers by displaying the work errors. This can be an invaluable aid in training them on the right way to perform specific tasks.

Client Marketing

Give your clients peace of mind by letting them know you’ll be monitoring the job site daily. No matter how many properties your company is working on, you can personally assure each home and business owner that you’ll be watching to make sure the job gets done correctly the first time.

Taking full advantage of the versatility offered by drone technology can increase your team’s efficiency, safety, security and productivity on all your job sites. A properly implemented drone team will make the process of gathering site data faster and clearer, making your decisions simpler.

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